Friday, June 15, 2001

Thursday, June 14, 2001

As time goes by, the costs of producing things drops. At the same time, the cost of owning things without doing something with it, grows. This means we're moving in the direction of a post materialistic society, where choosing to own things becomes more expensive then the value of the things you own.
The Indians thought it strange that someone could own land, or rather that's what I was told. In a same way it is strange that one could own a frequency. There are enough frequencies in the space for communications. It would somehow be nice, that everybody would get a sort of birthright: frequencies, land and polution allowance. They could then by birth sell these rights, or rather lease these rights and their education could be paid for by it.
It is to bad that people growing up, lose their ability or is it more want, to play. Children play and generally seem to have more fun than adults. I played with a kid and impressed here very much by the size of the mudballs I could create. When a young boy tried to imitate my balls, she said: When you're grown up, you can make balls just like that. Probably when he is grown up, he can, but then it is to late. He doesn't want anymore.

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

How to help Africa? A lot of the African problems are due to the awkward borders and the wrong, corrupt politicians and officials. What needed is an United States of Africa with a very decentralized system of government, but an free press, open internal trade and an independent judicial system, judging everybody against a fair constitution.
While this seems like pretty obvious to me, it is also very hard to see how Africa should get there. It took Europe 60 years to get unified in the way they are now, which is not to far, with some outside pressure and a rather uniform culture and institutions. In this way it would take Africa more then hundred getting half as far. What is needed is a new congress of Berlin, like the one in 1885 where Africa was partioned between the western powers, but this time one where Africa is put back together by the Western Powers.
Some stick, a lot of carrot and all African leaders put to gether should make this feasible. Once it becomes clear that a United States approach is the only way to go, nobody wants to be left behind, because they'll see every country will want to join in the end and joining now gets you the carrots and not the sticks.